TubatseCommunity Radio
97.1 MHz
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Menateng Ya Tubatse
- 21:00 - 00:00
- Clement Mafokane
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Sa Kosha Ke Lerole
- 23:00 - 03:00
- Howard Mapalakanye, Clement Mafokane
Tubatse Progressive Community Radio Station (TPCRS) is an initiative pioneered by the steering committee constituted by community members of the Tubatse Municipality. The idea was conceived in 2004 as an imperative to address the communication divide that prevails within the communities and the outside world, moreover that the municipality is largely rural and affected by the underdevelopment and poverty.It is for this reason that this area has been identified as the Presidential Nodal point that captured the interest of Integrated Rural Development Strategy of the Republic.
Tubatse has approximately 343000 population and it is a fast growing area due to the mining activities happening in the area. The population growth in this area provides opportunities for economic development and on the other hand offers social challenges in terms of economic migration that lead to social disorder e.g. housing challenges, diseases, crime and sanitation requisites.